Cheap Metal Roofing

Cheap Metal Roofing

Cheap Metal Roofing Sheets, Shingles, Tiles and Standing Seam are easy to find in Canada, but  Is a cheap metal roof the best choice for your intended use? Homeowners often ask for price per square foot as their first question. Although price is an understandable concern, this article looks at why it shouldn’t be the only concern in most cases.

Cheap Metal Roof Applications

Cheap metal roofing sheets are an acceptable choice on structures whose long-term visual appeal is not a priority. Cheap roofing products, if installed professionally, can function and look good without maintenance for up to 15 years. The short-lived beauty is mainly due to inferior coatings (simple polyester or acrylic) that will chalk, fade and peel in a short amount of time – compared to metal roofs that cost more. Most often in Ontario we see cheap metal roofing products being used on barns, agricultural buildings and sheds. NOTE: Not all sheet metal roofing products are by definition “cheap” it is possible to source out better quality metal panels with better quality paint – just don’t expect them to have the lowest price.

Cheap Metal Roofing Mistakes to Avoid

Can I get away with a cheap metal roof on my house?

Cheap metal roofing products should never be used on residential applications – period. A cheap metal roof, or any cheap roof for that matter, can reduce a homes value and leave it susceptible to leaks and costly property damage. The roof is often the largest area on a home’s exterior and takes the most beating from the elements, especially in Canada.

What about my Gazebo or Shed?

If you’re wondering if a cheap metal roof is a good idea for your shed or gazebo the answer is – it depends. Does your home have 2 stories or on a very large property where you can easily see the roof? – Then the answer is NO. When the cheap coating starts to become unsightly over time you will really regret it. On the other hand, if your shed is under a tree or away from the house than it may be a great choice to have a strong steel roof for protection.

Premium Product & Cheap Installation

Did you find a G90 steel roof with a 50 year warranty installed at an unbelievably low price? In this case there is a high probability that the cost of labour is too low. Inexperienced metal roofing companies may not yet know the true cost of your installation. Not your problem? Think again, inexperienced installers are notorious for cutting corners as soon as they realize they have got to a point on your installation where they are no longer profitable. If they do this too many times, they are not likely to be in business by the time you realize you need to call for service. Metal roofing is a great investment on your home, but the company you choose to work with is just as important as the product choice. Here’s a great article on what to look for when choosing a metal roofing company (link).

Cheap Metal Roofing VS Affordable Metal Roofing

Cheap vs Affordable, it’s not just semantics, is the difference between getting great value for your money and buyer’s regret. An affordable metal roof is one that costs maybe up to 20% more than the cheapest metal roof out there but will most likely be the last roof you will ever need to buy. For example, in 2021 it is expected that the cheapest steel roofs will cost as low as 5.50/sqft due to use of inferior raw materials and/or installation. If you get a quote this low be sure to ask the following questions:

  • Is the product designed for residential use?
  • How long is the material warranty?
  • How long is the installation warranty?
  • What kind of paint and coatings does it have?
  • How long has the company been installing metal roofs specifically?
  • How many metal roofs have the installers done before?


Metal roofs can be cheap in a couple of different ways – cheap materials and/or cheap installation. Get one of the two wrong and your roof will not live up to your expectations. Get both wrong and you will reap no long term rewards from your new metal roof. Making a list of what you hope to get out of your new roof can help you stay on the right track when it comes to your next roofing project. Did you buy a cheap metal roof and live to regret it later? We’d love to hear your thoughts on the topic in the comments below.

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